New York City

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Idiosyncrasies of New Yorkers

Am I a New Yorker?  Not really, no.  I haven't lived in the city long enough to transform into such a thing.  Yet, I do find myself slowly adopting some NY traits.  In a way, I kind of like the fact that I get annoyed when people talk on the subway or when a man with a golf umbrella walks down the sidewalk, oblivious to how big of a turd-nugget he's being.  I like the idea of fitting in, being a "local."  Yet, I also don't like a lot of the things I see myself beginning to do.  That's not me.  I don't want to lose my Midwest roots.  But, at the same time, I do.  To solve this problem, I've decided to become a hybrid of sorts, a mix between the two cultures.  It seems like the greenest thing I can do in this environmentally anal society.  I am a "Mid-Yorker."

Here are some other funny things I see New Yorkers regularly do.  I catch myself doing some of them too on occasion:

  • Staring down the car that's waiting for the light to change when  you cross the street.  You're effectively letting the driver know, "Ha!  I have the right of way!  You have to wait.  Hahaha. Go honk yourself.
  • As a mentioned above, giving evil looks at the jerk who uses a giant golf umbrella and takes up half of the sidewalk.  Either he's ignorant or just a boob.
  • When a homeless person comes on the subway to ask for money, no one makes eye contact.  Even if the homeless person comes up to you and starts talking to you, you just ignore him.  It's just common curtsey to ignore hobos, don't cha know?
  • Walking in NYC is like driving home in rush hour - cars (aka "people") everywhere.  Sometimes, people cut others off.  This usually elicits a cold, blood thirsty death stare at the back of the offender's head. I'm totally guilty of this one...the staring part.
  • Making sure you're the first one on the subway car so you can be the first to grab any open seat, if there is one (which is rare).  
  • Walking around everywhere with headphones in your ears.
  • Smiling at people?  Bah!  This is New York.  People don't smile.
  • Looking at tourists with disdain when they walk down the sidewalk shoulder to shoulder, unaware of the multitude of people behind them trying to get around them.  Poor etiquette.
  • Personally, I am a stair person.  If I had to choose between the stairs and an escalator, I would choose stairs every time.  However, when I have to use the escalator, I expect people to stand to one side so that those who want to walk up the escalator can do so.  People rarely respect this unwritten rule
  • "Do Not Cross" means squat here.  If there are no cars coming you can cross.  Heck, even if there are cars coming you can still cross.  They'll slow down.  You'll probably get a honk but honks are like cabs around here...everywhere.

What are some of the stereotypes you have of New Yorkers?  Are there any interesting traits or tics that make you laugh?  If so, share them!