So, it’s been a good two weeks since I’ve posted anything. What’s new and going on in Brooklyn you say? Well, to say nothing would be an understatement, but I am much too lazy at the moment to write down everything in specific detail. Therefore, I have resorted to making the list below. The pictures that accompany each item are merely representational and meant to be humorous…well, sort of (besides that, the pictures serve no purpose). Please partake:
· I finally ordered a proper bed and some other furniture items (sleeping on an air mattress every night is risky business…POP!).
· I started reading Kite Runner on my commute to and from work. Reading on the subway is an art worth mastering.
· After weeks of living without it, I have finally broken down and ordered Internet for my apartment. It is to be installed this coming weekend.
· I volunteered with a few others from my office this past weekend to help clean up a Brooklyn area middle school. Turns out, not only has this school won national chess tournaments the past 12 years but also rapper/business mogul Shawn Carter (AKA Jay-Z) attended school there during his youth.
· I opened up a checking/savings account with a local bank. Yay institutions, right? I think these Wall Street patrons agree too.
· I finally installed curtains in my apartment. I’m sure my neighbors are happy about that endeavor.
· I attended a Manhattan LCMS church this Sunday. Christianity isn’t so big here in NYC for many. That’s just too bad.
Thank you Westboro Baptist...? |
· I’ve gone for many a morning run in Prospect Park before work. I’m done running when it is still dark out…a little strange.
· I got a library card. Brooklyn library, consider your movie selection now my personal collection.
· I did laundry at a local Laundromat.
· And finally, I loitered the other day outside some store. Oh Ben, you rebel you. Hardy-har-har.
Please add your commentary to my mal-placed photos. Thank you.